Saverio Micheletta was born in Bova on February 12, 1935.

As a young man he moved to Messina with his maternal grandparents where he began working as a salesman and soon he obtained the exclusivity from the best furniture companies of the country to represent them in the center and south of Italy.

Meanwhile he continued to cultivate his passion for political activity within the Italian Socialist Party, eventually becoming the provincial secretary of the Youth Federation and member of the Central Committee.

In the late 60s, he started his own business in the field of public construction works, participating with a leading role in those years of great economic growth in the country. In the 80s, he moved to Rome and diversified his business activities by expanding them in the agricultural sector, plant engineering and real estate; he employed up to 1200 people.

In the years of Tangentopoli, with its companies, he gets unfairly involved in some criminal trials, from which he came out always fully acquitted and strengthened in spirit.

Today he’s committed to the enhancement and promotion of its territory of origin and the grecanic area of Calabria, renewing his civic spirit and the political passion of his youth.

Since 1970 he’s married to Claudia Monari, with whom he has four children.

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